UCSF’s innovative, collaborative approach to patient care, research and education spans disciplines across the life sciences, making it a world leader in scientific discovery and its translation to improving health.
This fall at Parnassus Heights, construction is in full swing across the campus. As the last sections of UC Hall are taken down, excavation is starting for the new Parnassus Research and Academic Building (PRAB). Preparations are underway for building demolition to start later this year at the former Langley Porter Psychiatric Hospital (LPPH) site for the New Hospital at Parnassus Heights.
Rendering with plans for the New Hospital Parnassus Heights on the left, the Irving Street arrival, and Parnassus Research and Academic Building on the right.
Improvements also are underway to the Health Sciences Instruction and Research (HSIR) East and West towers for exterior repairs, and seismic and life safety updates.
This quarterly story shares what you need to know about major construction impacts from these projects and more. Dates and other project details are subject to change.
To serve the city with world-class care for the next century, UCSF is constructing a 15-story hospital on the Parnassus Heights campus on the former Langley Porter Psychiatric Hospital (LPPH) site. Construction will continue through 2029, with the new hospital opening in 2030.
Latest conceptual rendering of New Hospital Parnassus Heights
Beginning February 2022 through April 2027, several major projects are required to prepare for demolition of LPPH and construction of the new hospital building. Impacts of this work are being broadly to UCSF faculty, staff, learners, patients and visitors, and the community.
Demolition of Former Langley Porter Building Underway
With the LPPH building decanted, demolition continues in the interior of the building. Next, demolishing the structure of the building is expected to start in November and continue through February 2024. To prepare for the structural demolition, workers are separating utilities from the building, and removing interior finishes, plumbing, wiring and other building materials.
Reminder: New Traffic Signal on Parnassus Avenue
A new temporary traffic signal is operational at the intersection of Medical Center Way and Parnassus Avenue. The signal is needed to safely support the flow of vehicle and pedestrian traffic during construction of the New Hospital, which will be about seven years.
Pedestrian traffic is being redirected to the north side of Parnassus Avenue for the duration of the new hospital project.
Construction site fencing has been erected along the southside of Parnassus Avenue from Medical Center Way westward to before the current hospital’s ambulance bay entrance.
Other Work Underway for the New Hospital Project
Medical Center Way Weekend Closures: During weekends through December 2023, parts of Medical Center Way beginning at Parnassus Avenue will be closed to vehicles from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturdays and Sundays. The closures are needed for utility installation and reconfiguration beneath the roadway. During weekdays in October, Medical Center Way will be reduced at times to a single lane Monday through Friday.
Overhead Electric Bus Line Relocation on Parnassus Avenue: Work is expected to start in October 2023 to relocate part of the electric overhead bus line on Parnassus Avenue in front of the new hospital site. A similar project was completed on Parnassus Avenue in spring 2023 for the construction of PRAB.
Hospital Entrance Construction (Moffitt Circle): Construction is continuing outside the hospital’s main entrance at Moffitt Circle (505 Parnassus Ave.) to build a new emergency oxygen supply connection needed to support the new and current hospitals.
Construction for the new emergency oxygen supply connection is expected to be completed in November 2023.
During this construction, the hospital entrance will have limited parking for patient drop-off and pickup only. UCSF ambassadors will staff the entrance to manage traffic flow and assist patients and visitors. Hospital deliveries will be directed to park in the white loading zone west of Moffitt Circle.
Emergency Department (ED) Parking: Construction is ongoing in the Emergency Department ambulance parking lot to relocate utilities to support the new and existing hospitals. A parking attendant is staffing the ED parking lot to assist with vehicular and pedestrian traffic flow. Private vehicle parking will be limited to 15 minutes for patient drop-off and pickup only. This work will be ongoing through early 2024.
Emergency Department (ED) Vestibule Renovation: Construction is underway to renovate the ED vestibule. This work is anticipated through December 2023. Signs are posted for patients and visitors around the construction site. Demolition of the existing ED awning is planned for January 2024. Dates and details are subject to change.
Hospital – First Floor: Through December, work necessary for the new hospital construction will be underway on the first floor of the existing hospital in the corridor by the endoscopy department. This work impacts ramp access through the east doors at the end of the corridor. The Emergency Department (ED) door, opposite endoscopy, will not be accessible during this work. Endoscopy and ED patients will not be impacted during this phase of work.
Hospital – Basement and Third Floor: Through December, construction for the new hospital will be underway in the basement for installation of a new oxygen line through the radiation oncology department and to construct new space for the facilities team to relocate. New partitions will be built on the third floor to prevent passage to the former LPPH and MRI Annex buildings.
Parnassus Research and Academic Building
Latest conceptual rendering of the Parnassus Research and Academic Building
Construction is underway for a new state-of-the-art Parnassus Research and Academic Building, which will create a vital collaborative space to drive innovations in scientific research and education. The new building will house research programs for cancer, microbiology, diabetes, immunology and cell biology. It also will be home to such key projects as the Benioff Center for Microbiome Medicine, iMicro, Bakar ImmunoX and CoLabs, connecting some of the most innovative researchers to collaborate on new discoveries.
The School of Nursing also will relocate to the building, which will occupy a floor of the new research and academic building, creating collaborative space within the school and connections with colleagues in other disciplines. In addition, the building will serve as temporary spaces for research and academic groups as the campus undergoes several major improvements for the Comprehensive Parnassus Heights Plan through 2030.
The UC Board of Regents voted Sept. 20, 2023 to approve the project scope and the project's $843 million budget. The project, which will create hundreds of jobs during construction, also includes site improvements and streetscape to create a more welcoming environment on the west side of the campus.
Building Demolition of UC Hall Expected Through October
More than 50 percent of UC Hall along Parnassus Avenue, and all of the wings on the back along Koret Way, have been demolished to make way for the new Parnassus Research and Academic Building (PRAB). The building demolition of UC Hall is expected to be complete this month.
To complete demolition, the project team will be working on Saturdays in October. A high-reach excavator with hydraulic shears is being used to limit noise. Intermittent jackhammering also is occurring. The work is being completed behind debris curtains.
UC Hall is located next to the Clinical Sciences Building, and near the School of Nursing, Koret Vision Research Laboratory, and the Dental Center.
All dates and details of the project are subject to change.
Expect Increasing Truck Traffic in November
Following demolition, the removal of debris and soil and other construction will start to build a platform for shoring along Koret Way. About 50 truckloads of debris and soil, hauled by about a dozen trucks, is expected each day to and from the site for the work through November.
Traffic flaggers will be onsite to help direct traffic at Koret Way, Kirkham Street, and Parnassus Avenue.
Construction for the platform is expected to complete in November 2023.
Some Koret Way Parking Removed and Pedestrian Reroute
Currently, about 12 parking spaces at the top of Koret Way near the School of Nursing and Campus Support Services buildings have been removed for pedestrian safety and to provide adequate space for construction staging and equipment for the PRAB project.
ADA parking spots are still available in the area.
The area is closed for passenger pick up and drop off.
Pedestrians should avoid walking in this area.
Reminder: UCSF Dentistry Access Impacts and Noise Expected
During PRAB construction, pedestrian pick-ups and drop-offs for the UCSF Dental Center should go to the south entrance in the Kirkham Lot (not Parnassus Avenue). This reroute is to support the flow of pedestrian and vehicle traffic and safety near the construction site.
Also, expect noise near the PRAB construction site from demolition and other work. To limit noise, an excavator will be using concrete shear attachments.
Other Work Underway for the Project
Waterline Reroute: Construction to relocate waterlines is ongoing near the Westside Kirkham Lot. This work is expected to be completed in October.
Parking Temporarily Impacted on Kirkham Street: Some street parking on Kirkham Street in front of the Kirkham Child Development Center will be temporarily removed for city utility work needed for the PRAB project. The PRAB team is working with city agencies and P&E to schedule this work. This work is expected to be completed in mid-October.
Fire Hydrant Relocation: Construction is expected to be completed in October to relocate an AWSS fire hydrant in the sidewalk on Parnassus Avenue between UC Hall and the Clinical Sciences Building.
What You Can Expect
Pedestrian pick-ups and drop-offs for the UCSF Dental Center should go to the south entrance in the Kirkham Lot (not Parnassus Avenue).
Pedestrians are being rerouted to the northside of Parnassus Avenue between Third and Fourth avenues during the PRAB construction.
The CSB emergency egress is being redirected from the PRAB Construction Area and rerouted through School of Nursing building.
Intermittent jackhammering and structural demolition from material destruction.
Saw cutting and breaking out of asphalt and concrete, concrete drilling
Expect truckloads removing debris and soil along Parnassus Avenue and Koret Way.
Engine noises from trucks and equipment (idling of trucks will be limited to 5 minutes)
Flaggers for vehicle and pedestrian traffic, signs, and traffic control for vehicle routing
Health Sciences Instruction and Research (HSIR) Towers Improvements Program
Improvements are underway to the HSIR West and East towers
The exterior repairs will improve the building’s safety; the seismic project will make the building safer for its occupants in the event of an earthquake and will better protect UCSF labs and experiments; the life safety project will provide a fully sprinklered building upon completion. Overall, the HSIR Improvements Program enables learners and employees to support the UCSF mission of advancing health worldwide.
The HSIR complex is made up of two, 16-floor towers with an elevator and corridor that connects the towers. About 90% of the building includes labs and research space.
Scaffolding and shrink wrap are currently on sections of the towers for construction.
Half of Improvements Expected to be Complete by Early 2024
Construction for the Health Sciences Instruction and Research (HSIR) Improvements Program is nearly 25% complete and is expected to reach 50% completion by early 2024.
The program includes three major projects in Health Sciences West (HSW) and Health Sciences East (HSE) towers. The upgrades will run concurrently while the towers remain occupied. They include exterior repairs, seismic improvements and life safety upgrades.
The seismic improvements and life safety upgrades are expected to be complete in fall 2024. Exterior repairs are expected to be complete in early 2025.
Continuing to Install Shrink Wrap on HSW and HSE Towers into November
Scaffold and shrink wrap plan for the HSIR towers as of October 2023. All dates and details are subject to change.
Shrink wrap is being installed on the towers to complete exterior repairs. The shrink wrap is expected to be on all sides of the towers’ exteriors by the end of November 2023.
Each of the shrink wrap phases are expected to be on the building for about a year. Both towers will be wrapped entirely for an estimated four months.
Through October 2023 (Phase 3)
Shrink wrap will be installed on the west side of the HSE tower in October 2023, and on the north side of the HSW tower in November 2023. The wrap will remain through October 2024.
View this diagram of the shrink wrap installation and removal phasing.
All project dates and details are subject to change.
Other Work Underway for the Project
Expect 350 scheduled building shutdowns that will impact electrical, plumbing, mechanical and other systems in the HSW and HSE towers.
Parts of Saunders Court will remain closed through early 2025 for construction laydown for the HSIR projects. Some sections remain open for the UCSF community.
Other Construction Projects at Parnassus Heights
Mount Sutro Trail Improvements
Work is nearly complete on the Parnassus Heights Mount Sutro Trail. The outstanding work, which includes adding lighting, landscaping and removing fallen trees, is expected to be complete later this year. Also, a police call button will be installed at the bottom and top of the trail.
With the improvements, the trail will be more accessible to the neighborhood, as well as the UCSF community, when it opens in the future.
Expected Completion Date
Late 2023 (a date for the trail to reopen has not been set)
In October and November, pedestrians will be rerouted in and around the IRM Building while Stair E is closed for improvements. Stair E is used to access Medical Center Way from the IRM Building. See map for details.
The construction scope includes building a scaffold and containment around Stair E. The stairs will be sand blasted and painted to provide protection against future corrosion. These improvements will help prevent against exterior corrosion on the IRM building.
Stair E and stairway entrance closed for improvements Oct. 10 – Nov. 10
Single lane closure beside Stair E on Oct. 10 and 11, and Nov. 10, 2023
Flaggers will be onsite to direct traffic and pedestrians.
Dust collecting machines with silencers will be used to minimize sound pollution.
In October and November 2023, lane access will be reduced to the fire lane behind the PCUP, and along parts of Medical Center Way to support construction of a new emergency fuel tank facility. The new facility will provide emergency fuel for several buildings on the Parnassus Heights campus, including the IRM facility, the PCUP facility, Moffit and Long Hospitals, and the New Hospital at Parnassus Heights (NHPH).
Construction will include:
Widening Medical Center Way
Relocating utilities
Rerouting domestic water and the fuel line
Shoring, demolition and excavation in early 2024
Installing soil nail wall, slab and new oil tanks in early 2024
Relocating fire hydrants
Construction Hours
7 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday
8 a.m. to 4 p.m. (if weekend work is required)
Noisy work hour restrictions will be followed.
Construction Impacts and Mitigations
In October, one lane on Medical Center Way will be closed (access will remain open).
During the project, fire lane access to HSIR, and the PSRB and IRM loading docks, behind the PCUP, will occasionally be impacted by construction.
Some noise during construction hours near construction activity.
Brief generator noise where electrical utility is relocated.
This map shows the segments of the Parnassus Heights Water Main Utility Pipeline.
There are currently projects in construction to add an additional fire water backup connection, and to update existing domestic water mains.
Currently, segments will be installed at these locations:
Segment 4: Loading dock behind PCUP (construction through mid-October 2023)
Segment 7: Mount Sutro reserve, between PCUP and water tanks (construction through November 2023)
Segment 1 and 2: Along Medical Center Way from Parnassus Avenue to PCUP building (construction expected November 2023 through February 2024)
Segment 3: In the Medical Sciences Building (MSB) and existing hospital loading dock (weekend construction expected November 2023 through February 2024)
A retaining wall will be built along Parnassus Avenue and the east side of Medical Center Way (construction expected early to mid-2024).
Expected Completion Date
August 2024 for both projects (phase 2 of the water mains replacement is scheduled to end in spring 2026