UCSF’s Long Range Development Plan (LRDP) guides the University’s physical development to support its mission of advancing health worldwide. It is a comprehensive plan that guides our physical development such as the location of buildings, open space, circulation, and other land uses.
2014 Long Range Development Plan
The 2014 LRDP guides the University’s growth through 2035. It was approved by the Board of Regents of the University of California in November 2014. It reflects the culmination of five years of planning, including extensive consultation both within UCSF and with UCSF’s neighbors. Given the long planning horizon of the LRDP, approved amendments are required from time to time.
LRDP Environmental Impact Report
Because the LRDP affects an area’s physical environment, an evaluation of its impacts is required by the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). The LRDP Environmental Impact Report (EIR) provides a program-level analysis of the 2014 LRDP, as well as project-level analysis for a number of specific 2014 LRDP development proposals. The Board of Regents of the University of California certified the Final LRDP EIR in November 2014.
- Long Range Development Plan Environmental Impact Report
- Addendums and Project-level Environmental Impact Reports
Physical Design Framework
The Physical Design Framework is a companion document to the LRDP which provides clear and consistent planning and design principles to guide the development of physical facilities at all UCSF sites.