UCSF’s innovative, collaborative approach to patient care, research and education spans disciplines across the life sciences, making it a world leader in scientific discovery and its translation to improving health.
This fall, major projects at Parnassus Heights continue to progress as the projects prepare to take shape in the new year. This quarterly update by UCSF Real Estate provides essential information about important capital projects and their impacts on the campus.
Please note that dates and project details are subject to change as project teams prepare to transform Parnassus Heights. Stay tuned for more exciting developments!
UCSF Health Helen Diller Hospital
UCSF Health Helen Diller Hospital project site as of October 2024.
To serve the city with world-class care for the next century, UCSF is constructing the UCSF Health Helen Diller Hospital, a 15-story hospital on the Parnassus Heights campus on the former Langley Porter Psychiatric Hospital (LPPH) site. Construction will continue through 2029, with the Helen Diller Hospital opening in 2030.
Through April 2027, the project team will continue working to complete 32 make-ready projects that support the construction of the hospital project. The team is communicating the impacts of this work broadly to employees, learners, patients, visitors, and the community.
Expect Noise During Activity to Strengthen Long Hospital Shear Wall
Through early 2025, construction will take place to strengthen the Long Hospital shear wall to create future connections to the new hospital.
Impacts and Mitigations
You can expect significant noise from drilling during various phases of this work.
Several departments and the services that operate near these areas will be impacted. If disruptions impact your ability to deliver care, please escalate any concerns to your unit or service leadership to develop potential solutions.
Changes to Existing Hospital Entry and Exit
To accommodate the necessary changes for new hospital construction and other capital improvement projects in the area, all staff and non-Emergency Department visitors arriving to or leaving from the existing Moffitt-Long hospital are asked to comply with the following entrance and exit changes:
From 0600-2300, staff can enter/exit the hospital through the main Moffitt hospital entrance or the Medical Science Building entrance.
From 2300-0600, staff must enter/exit from the Medical Science Building.
Non-ED hospital visitors entering the hospital between 2300-0600 can enter through the new ED patient entrance by the ambulance parking.
In addition to the changes above, the following units have developed plans that change their workflows and relocate services (see detailed changes below):
Emergency Department
Radiation Oncology
Unit-specific changes
Endoscopy: The Parnassus Endoscopy service on the first floor of the existing hospital has relocated to procedure rooms on the 3rd floor of the Outpatient Surgery Center at Parnassus, 400 Parnassus Ave. Scheduled patients will be notified of their location changes.
Emergency Department: The Waiting Room, Triage, Jade Zone, and CDU has relocated.
Drive Slow and Use Caution on Medical Center Way
Project teams, including the Helen Diller Hospital project team, are performing work along Medical Center Way daily. To ensure the safety of construction workers and pedestrians in the area, all drivers on Medical Center Way (MCW) are being asked to obey the 5-mph speed limit when on Medical Center Way.
Pedestrians and bicyclists should use caution on the road and use the main path of egress.
Expect Impacts on Parnassus Avenue for New Combined Sanitary Sewer Line
Weekend Activity through 2024 on Parnassus Avenue Near Medical Building 1
The Helen Diller Hospital project is expected to begin work on Parnassus Avenue starting Saturday, October 12, through the end of the year to install a new combined sanitary sewer line. During this activity, which will occur on the weekends, both lanes of traffic will be open on Parnassus Avenue and shifted slightly toward Medical Building 1.
Impacts and Mitigations
This work will occur on the weekends only and is expected to have a minor impact on the traffic flow of Parnassus Avenue.
Flaggers will direct traffic flow during construction activities and a traffic control plan will be in place.
Emergency vehicles will be assisted and helped immediately if needed.
Night Activity During the Week through October 2024 on Parnassus Avenue
During the week, some night time activity will occur within the HDH project fence line for the campus condensate line project.
Night time work hours are scheduled from Monday through Sunday from 7 p.m. to 3 a.m.
Impacts and Mitigation
To minimize the noise , the project team installed fencing with sound blankets around the work location.
For the safety of the construction workers, egress lighting will be installed inside the project fence, pointing toward the ground so as not to disturb the neighbors and patients in the nearby hospital.
UCSF Barbara and Gerson Bakar Research and Academic Building
The Bakar Research and Academic Building project site as of October 2024.
Construction will continue through 2027 to build the UCSF Barbara and Gerson Bakar Research and Academic Building, previously known as the Parnassus Research and Academic Building, on the west side of the Parnassus Heights campus. The Bakar Research and Academic Building (BRAB) will provide a new state-of-the-art home for the School of Nursing, an expanded education space, and space for multiple health and science disciplines. In addition, the facility will encourage collaboration and support UCSF in staying at the cutting edge of discovery, learning, and care.
The 325,000-square-foot, nine-story building will serve as temporary spaces for research and academic groups as the campus undergoes several major improvements for the Comprehensive Parnassus Heights Plan through 2030.
Expect Construction on 7th Floor in Clinical Sciences Building (CSB) for BRAB Connection
Construction is scheduled to start on October 28, 2024, to begin activities needed to eventually connect the west side of the Clinical Sciences Building to the Bakar Research and Academic Building (BRAB) on level 7. The connection will serve as a Research Artery, providing additional collaboration space for the Research Program and creating an opportunity for wayfinding. Plans are underway for the future interior design of the Research Artery.
The initial work will include installing a temporary wall, soft demolition, dismantling and removing existing furniture, removing drywall finishes, and concrete chipping. These activities are expected to be completed by February 28, 2025. Concrete chipping is planned for early December 2024. CSB occupants will be notified of this activity.
The CSB level 7 renovation project is expected to align with the construction of the BRAB, which is scheduled for completion in 2027 and occupancy in 2028.
All dates and details are subject to change.
Impacts and Mitigation
Expect noise on the 6th and 7th floors of the Clinical Sciences Building (CSB) for construction activities. These construction activities are expected to occur from October 28, 2024, through February 28, 2024. Construction hours will be 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. and 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. for noisy work.
Some intermittent shutdowns are expected for one of the CSB elevators to deliver materials and remove demolition debris. Details are being finalized.
Construction areas will be enclosed with negative air to prevent dust migration and away from occupied workspaces.
Foundation Phase Starting
Shoring to construct retaining walls for the building is expected to be complete in October 2024. As shoring is wrapping up, the foundation phase for the structure has begun. The deep foundations are drilled to depth, then the rebar cage is installed and concrete is poured into the hole.
Impacts and Mitigations
You can expect to see large trucks and equipment along Parnassus Avenue.
There will be some noise from the excavator, soil drill rig, and concrete trucks.
November 2024: New Gate Operational, Expect Restricted Vehicle Access to Koret Way
In November 2024, an automatic gate at the entrance of Koret Way and Kirkham Street will be operational to control vehicle access on Koret Way and to further ensure safety during the construction of the BRAB. The BRAB project team will manage access during construction hours. Access on Koret Way will be available for UCSF operations afterhours with a code. In addition, a phone number will be available at the gate for anyone with questions about gaining access.
Impacts and Mitigations
Koret Way remains closed to vehicle traffic and parking.
ADA parking and some state vehicle parking are still available in the Koret Way Surface Lot near the School of Nursing building.
Pedestrians can access Koret Way; construction flaggers will be present to control pedestrian traffic during deliveries as a safety measure.
Traffic flaggers will direct pedestrian and vehicle traffic.
No drop-offs, pick-ups, or drive-through traffic will be allowed on Koret Way.
Emergency access is open from the School of Nursing building to Koret Vision Center.
Underground Site Utility Work Continues on Koret Way
Construction on Koret Way is expected to be completed in October 2024 to remove and install underground site utilities needed for the Bakar Research and Academic Building project. Activities on Koret Way include open trenching, demolition of concrete, and relocation and installation of electrical and water utilities. Plans are to maintain pedestrian access on Koret Way with intermittent closures.
Impacts and Mitigations
Trash compactors at Koret Vision Center will be relocated to the Dental Center loading dock and demolition will occur in the area for the site utility work.
At the Dental Center loading dock, concrete will be demolished and a concrete pad will be constructed for the trash compactors to relocate.
Parnassus Central Campus Site Improvements
Rendering of the Parnassus Central Campus Site Improvements project as of October 2024.
UCSF is embarking on an important endeavor to create a welcoming pedestrian connection that leads to the “heart of campus” at Parnassus Heights. The Parnassus Central Campus Site Improvements (PCCSI) program will create a connection with landscaping and hardscaping between the new PRAB Promenade, Saunders Court, and Koret Way, across the footprint of the existing School of Nursing building and surrounding area.
In September 2024, the University of California Board of Regents approved the PCCSI project budget, scope, financing strategy, and design. As well as adopted CEQA (California Environmental Quality Act) findings for the project, having considered the previously certified Comprehensive Parnassus Heights Plan Final Environmental Impact Report (CPHP Final EIR). This significant milestone allows the project to proceed with the next phases of project delivery when appropriate.
Below are the most current design renderings for the PCCSI project, as of October 2024:
Parnassus Central Campus Site Improvements walkway with Clinical Sciences Building on the right (rendering as of October 2024).
New seating in the Parnassus Central Campus Site Improvements (rendering as of October 2024).
Site map for the Parnassus Central Campus Site Improvements project (rendering as of October 2024).
Early 2025: Final Moves Expected for School of Nursing Building Decant
In early 2025, the final groups of occupants are expected to move out of the School of Nursing building for the decant and demolition. The remaining groups and corresponding floors that will be moving include:
Facilities Services (level 8)
SON labs, skills center, and clinical research (level 7)
Ladle & Leaf and Facilities Services offices (level 2)
The Ladle & Leaf restaurant will be relocating to a renovated space on the first floor in Millberry Union on the Parnassus Heights campus. Restaurant operations will primarily remain unaffected, though a limited transition period is anticipated.
Earlier this year, other building occupants moved as part of three successful phases of moves. Learn more about the School of Nursing’s farewell to its longtime home in this UCSF news story. The majority of the School of Nursing has temporarily moved to the Wayne and Gladys Valley Center for Vision on the Mission Bay campus. Eventually, the School of Nursing will relocate to the future PRAB once the building opens.
Construction Activities for Building Demolition Expected Spring 2025
Construction fencing will be placed around the School of Nursing building and some walkways around the building in Spring 2025. The project will take over the use of part of Saunder’s Court, which is currently being used by the HSIR Improvements Program construction.
Repurposed Furniture from SON Building Still Available for UCSF Community
With the success of repurposing furniture from other UCSF facilities, and in support of sustainability initiatives, the remaining furniture from the School of Nursing building is available for other UCSF departments and employees.
Health Sciences Instruction and Research (HSIR) Towers Improvements Program
Health Sciences West Tower as it undergoes improvements in October 2024.
Construction is underway to improve the Health Sciences Instruction and Research (HSIR) East and West towers. The HSIR complex is made up of two, 16-floor towers with an elevator and corridor that connects the towers. About 90% of the building includes labs and research space.
The HSIR Improvements Program consists of three projects:
Exterior Ledge Repairs: Full repair and recoating of the exterior concrete ledges for Health Sciences West (HSW) and Health Sciences East (HSE). The exterior repairs will improve the building’s safety.
Life Safety Improvements: Install fire sprinklers throughout the buildings where needed, correct fire sprinkler pipe pressure deficiencies, add sprinkler heads to chemical fume hoods, and extend existing standpipes on the rooftops for fire department access.
Seismic Improvements: Improve the seismic performance rating of HSW and HSE by making whole-building structure improvements including installing seismic dampers, column splicing at level 5 of both towers, and upgrading the seismic joints and utility restraints. This project will make the building safer in the event of an earthquake and will better protect UCSF labs and experiments.
Construction Hours
7 a.m. – 5 p.m. Monday through Friday for interior and exterior work
10 p.m. – 6 a.m. Monday through Friday for interior fire sprinkler work
Expected Project Completion Date
Life safety and seismic projects - as early as late 2024
Expect Impacts: 2 Cranes Needed to Install Seismic Dampers on Towers
This activity will close Medical Center Way and the HSE loading dock. See the image below for details.
As part of the Seismic Improvements Project, dampers will be installed on the exteriors of the HSE and HSW towers to improve the seismic performance of the buildings. The dampers will connect the stair towers to the HSW and HSE towers at the roof level. The dampers at the elevator tower will connect to the HSW tower at levels 14 and 15.
Scheduled Crane Activity for HSIR Improvements Program
November 22-25, 2024
December 6-9, 2024
All dates and details are subject to change.
Impacts and Mitigations
Two cranes are needed to hoist and install the dampers on the HSW and HSE towers. This activity is scheduled for November 22-25 and December 6-9.
Medical Center Way and the HSE tower loading dock will be closed for the activity.
Location of the seismic dampers in the HSIR towers.
Structural Steel Preparation for Seismic Damper Installation Continues
The installation of structural steel supports for the HSIR Improvements Program is continuing for the HSW and HSE towers to prepare for seismic damper installation, which is expected later this year. The latest schedule for this work is listed in the table on the below.
Structural steel preparation diagram of the HSIR towers.
Structural steel schedule as of October 2024.
Other Major Projects at Parnassus Heights
Fuel Tanks Project
Fuel tanks project site plan showing soil berm (October 2024).
A project is underway to build a new emergency fuel tank facility, which will serve several buildings on the Parnassus Heights campus. The project also will widen parts of Medical Center Way, relocate and update utilities and fire hydrants and lines, and reroute domestic water and a fuel line. The fuel tank site is along Medical Center Way, south of Parnassus Services and the Central Utility Plant, and east of the Institute for Regeneration Medicine building.
Shoring, demolition, and excavation for the project are expected to start in September 2024 through January 2025, with the concrete phase expected to start next through June 2025.
Construction in Fall 2024
Mid-October: The team will be building a soil berm, or a rounded mound of soil, on the site, starting. The soil berm will be against the retaining wall behind the PCUP.
A new pump house has been constructed and pumps are operational. Demolition of the existing pump house is scheduled to start in October 2024.
Single-lane closures are expected to continue weekdays on Medical Center Way near the PCUP loading dock.
Impacts and Mitigations
Expect increased noise near the site from excavation activities and from tieback drilling through October 2024.
In October 2024, expect early morning equipment deliveries for a drill rig and a crane. Dates and details are still being finalized.
During the project, fire lane access to HSIR, and the PSRB and IRM loading docks, behind the PCUP, will occasionally be impacted by construction. However, access for emergency vehicles will be maintained.
Two water projects are underway at Parnassus Heights.
There are currently projects in construction to add an additional fire water backup connection, and to update existing domestic water mains.
Segments Under Construction, Impacts and Mitigations
Segment 7: Located in Mount Sutro and upper Medical Center Way (construction expected through November 2024).
Segment 1 and 2: Construction is underway along Medical Center Way from Parnassus Avenue to the existing hospital loading dock. Also near segment 1 is a fire water upgrade project, which has the same impacts as the water project.
On weekends through April 2025: Medical Center Way will be reduced to a single lane of traffic for joint trenching work in this area.
Early 2025: For the fire water upgrade project, a retaining wall will be built along Parnassus Avenue and the east side of Medical Center Way. Plans are being reviewed for this work. Construction will begin following removal of the existing Ammonia House.
Segment 3: Construction in the existing hospital loading dock (construction expected during weekends through early November 2024)