Business Intelligence

Phasellus dignissim tellus mauris, ut cursus arcu pharetra nec. Etiam non velit id ante hendrerit scelerisque et eu nisl.Nunc fringilla mi tristique lectus efficitur luctus. Praesent nec massa interdum, pellentesque nisi in, scelerisque risus. Nulla vitae semper nunc, non facilisis leo. Maecenas id cursus tortor, lobortis venenatis enim. Praesent venenatis molestie nisi ut maximus. Maecenas lobortis sodales sem sit amet tempor.


Where can I find a floor plan of my office?

Floor plans and space data are available in Archibus Space Management System. Please contact the Space Analytics team for assistance at [email protected]. As-builts and other detailed drawings are available from the drawings archive.

How do I get support for Unifier?

The Unifier team uses ServiceNow to manage all support requests. A request may be to resolve a specific error/issue, update project-related attributes, training requests, process improvement ideas, or feedback. To ensure your request is routed to the correct support group, email to the appropriate address llisted below.

Campus Users – [email protected]

Health Users – [email protected]

How do I get training/support for Archibus?

Training resoruces for Archibus, UCSF's space management system, are available on the Space website.

I need a place to store documents, where should they go?

Build out a grid showing document type and storage location. Read more at

What is Unifier?

Unifier is a cloud-based project management system and is used by Campus Design and Construction, Health Design and Construction and Health Major Projects to track and manage capital projects.

System access is provided for authorized UCSF Staff and affilates.

How do I get support for Unifier?

What is Archibus?

Archibus is UCSF's Space Management System.