Campus Design & Construction

Phasellus dignissim tellus mauris, ut cursus arcu pharetra nec. Etiam non velit id ante hendrerit scelerisque et eu nisl.Nunc fringilla mi tristique lectus efficitur luctus. Praesent nec massa interdum, pellentesque nisi in, scelerisque risus. Nulla vitae semper nunc, non facilisis leo. Maecenas id cursus tortor, lobortis venenatis enim. Praesent venenatis molestie nisi ut maximus. Maecenas lobortis sodales sem sit amet tempor.


How do I ask for new space?

If you are a Coordinator in Archibus, log into Archibus and click on the Space Request Form. Complete the form and click on submit. Your request will be routed to your Control Point Strategist for review.

If you are not a Coordinator in Archibus, please contact the Space Coordinator in your department and they can complete the form for you. If you do not know who the Space Coordinator is for your department, please contact your Department Manager.

How do I get a sign for my room/building?

All requests for new signage need to go to Facilities first (Campus or Health).
