The UCSF Design & Construction Small Business Outreach Program enhances equal opportunities for design and construction firms, suppliers and businesses interested in doing business with UCSF Real Estate, especially for those business that are small and local.
Getting Started
Doing Business with UCSF Design & Construction
Interested in being a contractor or consultant with UCSF Design & Construction? You can find the necessary forms, insurance, bonding, and licensing requirements below.
Outreach Events
UCSF Design & Construction Day
UCSF Real Estate hosted its first in-person vendor diversity and small business event, UCSF Design & Construction Day on April 20, 2023, on the Mission Bay campus. Nearly 200 construction contractors and professional consultants particiapted, as well UCSF volunteers.
Presentations: Breakout Room Sessions and More
Small and Local Business Meet & Greet
Each month, the UCSF Real Estate Contracts Team hosts a meet and greet to introduce new businesses to UCSF project managers. This forum gives businesses the opportunity to present to UCSF project managers an overview of the services they provide, projects they have completed, and the ability to ask questions.
We invite your business to join us! Email UCSF Real Estate Outreach to participate in a Meet and Greet and to connect with UCSF Project Managers.
Reports and Information
St. Mary's and St. Francis Hospital Update
Thank you for your interest in seeking potential future opportunities with UCSF Health at our future St. Mary’s and Saint Francis campus’. UCSF and St. Mary’s/Saint Francis teams are currently focused on Day 1 required activities as well as due diligence efforts for future programs at both sites. As potential projects are funded, communication and advertisement of projects will occur via current communication platforms, i.e., Building Connected, UCSF Real Estate Website.
UCSF Real Estate Small and Diverse Business Outreach Report
UCSF engaged Lowe Consulting to evaluate existing processes and practices related to vendor engagement as compared to other agencies and public institutions. The report also evaluates whether the University can meet a small and/or local business (S/LBE) 15% aspirational goal under existing guidelines and market conditions. And lastly, the report identifies policy options and program enhancements that can strengthen vendor outreach and long-term capacity building.
Summary: UCSF Real Estate Small and Diverse Business Outreach Report
SBE / DVBE Certified Vendor Listing
This list of certified Small Business Enterprises (SBE) and Disabled Veteran Business Enterprises (DVBE) vendors is provided as a reference to promote and increase participation of SBE/DVBE and Local Businesses. The list is not intended to represent an endorsement by the University. UCSF does not guarantee that all certified SBE/DVBE vendors will be awarded work.
(This list is updated regularly.)
Local Hire Data
UCSF created the Community Construction Outreach Program (CCOP) with a 30% local hire goal for UCSF capital projects with a contact value of $5 million and above. UCSF’s local hire goal mirrors the City and County of San Francisco’s Local Hire Ordinance.
UCSF is partnered with CityBuild, the pre-apprenticeship training program in the San Francisco Office of Economic and Workforce Development, to identify job opportunities and coordinate the employment and apprenticeships of qualified local construction trade workers.
Learn more about CCOP and workforce development at UCSF.
View this report, which details UCSF Local Hire efforts through CCOP:
Community Construction Outreach Program rEPORT, september 2023