Zuckerberg San Francisco General (ZSFG) is located in the Mission district, bordering the western portion of the Potrero Hill neighborhood. The site is generally bounded by U.S. Highway 101 to the north and east, 23rd Street to the south, and Potrero Avenue to the west. The area immediately surrounding ZSFG is mostly residential, with some ground-floor, neighborhood-serving commercial activity, especially along 24th Street. ZSFG is an acute care medical center owned and operated by the City and County of San Francisco. It serves as a safety net for uninsured and underinsured patients, as well as being the city’s only trauma center. UCSF and ZSFG have been partners in public health since 1873. UCSF faculty and physicians provide all of the medical care at ZSFG. They also conduct research aimed at improving health outcomes in hospitals with underserved populations, and saving the lives of trauma patients everywhere.