Building Permit Services is the Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ) over all UCSF Campus and Health Construction. We review plans, issue permits, and inspect construction.
We ensure that all UCSF construction, alterations, additions, repair, and demolition comply with UC Policies and the California Code of Regulations.
We collaborate with Campus Planning and the Campus Architect on prospective developments.
We coordinate our plan reviews, permits, and construction inspections with the Office of the State Fire Marshal in the UCSF department of Environment, Health and Safety (EH&S) in enforcement of the California Fire Code.
If you have questions about Building Permit Services please contact Afsaneh Ahmadi, Designated Campus Building Official.
All Plan Review Submittals should be sent to [email protected]
Forms, Informational Bulletins & Reports
Links to our forms and documents Training Manual with Index of Forms
Looking for the status of a plan review submittal? Please go to our Project Status page.